Az SZTE Konfuciusz Intézet tisztelettel ajánlja figyelmébe az Intézet szervezésében megvalósuló angol nyelvű szimpóziumot, amelynek keretei között a kínai kultúra izgalmas világába nyerhetnek betekintést.
2018. október 13-án (szombat) 8:30-16:00 órakor a Rektori Hivatal földszintjén található V. teremben várja az érdeklődőket. Az előadások nyelve angol, így a szimpózium további részleteit alább láthatja angol nyelven.
Symposium Announcement
Ever since the publications of the End of History and the Clash of Civilizations, the contending views of Francis Fukuyama and Samuel Huntington have been splitting the academic and political circles where the issues of civilizations and values are concerned. As the two major players in world affairs, the USA and China are behaving quite distinctly, with the former backsliding to exceptionism with the highly patriotic slogan of “Make America Great Again”, and the latter advocating the lofty idea of creating a “Community of Shared Future for Mankind”. What are the values underpinning these divergent attitudes to the professed nationalism and internationalism? Is there such a thing as shared values that will eventually transform the world into a “community of shared future”? Is clash of civilizations or the integration of diverse values the norm for the world?
These will be the concern of the proposed international symposium on values of the world, hopefully to bring together like-minded scholars from China, Hungary and other European countries to engage in a religious, political scientific and other inter-disciplinary discussion of the (not exclusive) topics suggested below:
1. A “Community of Shared Future for Mankind”
2. Globalization and value conflict
3. Religious pluralism
4. Shared values of different religions
5. Civilizational clash and identity recognition
A group of well-established scholars and experts have been invited to give their key-note speeches on the above-mentioned topics, including (in the alphabetical order of family name):
1. Dr. KREMER Sándor, the Department of Philosophy, SZTE
2. Prof. Dr. LIU Yiqing, English Department, Peking University
3. Prof. NAGY Gábor Dániel, the Department of Religion, SZTE
4. 6. Prof. ZHANG Liwen, the Department of Philosophy, Renmin University of China
5. Dr. ZHU Lu, the School of Humanity, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
A szimpózium programfüzete ITT érhető el.