Warmly welcome everyone who is interested in the art of Chinese calligraphy. Our course starts on the 23rd of February. The class is conducted on every second Thursday at 5 p.m.
Janisz Horváth studied calligraphy at the Academy of Arts in Hangzhou and teaches the beauty of Chinese characters in Hungarian during this practice-oriented course.
The course is free of charge, but you have to registrate on our e-mail address: konfuciusz@rekt.szte.hu or on phone: 62/544 712.
Venue: University of Szeged, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education, Classroom No. 203. (Szeged, Brüsszeli krt. 37.)
Time: 23 February, 9 March, 23 March, 13 April, 27 April, 11 May, 25 May