2017. augusztus 31-én az SZTE Konfuciusz Intézet új kínai tanárjai Thai Chi bemutatót tartottak a József Attila Tanulmányi és Információs Központ (TIK) Parkjában.
On August 31st 2017, a lovely sunshine day, the Confucius Institute in the University of Szeged organized a performance of Tai Chi in the TIK Library Park.
Before the performance, Richárd Mohr, director of Confucis Institute at University of Szeged delivered a speech. Combined with a recitation of Chinese Song Poems, the enchanting bamboo flute solo opened this performance. Six Chinese volunteer teachers gave the audience an amazing Tai Chi show. The students in the park were attracted gradually. They sopped and appreciated the show and gave a warm applause after the end of the show.
This is the first performance given by all the 8 new Chinese volunteer teachers and 2 professional teachers. They not only brought this amazing Tai Chi show for students and citizens of Szeged, but also made their first contribution to the spreading of Chinese culture in the Confucius Institute abroad. It is believed to be a great benefit for Hungarians to learn more Chinese and Chinese culture.