On Tuesday morning, 25 February small pupils of Toldy Utcai Kindergarten visited SZTE Confucius Institute in order to get acquainted with Chinese culture and to get an insight view to the Institute’s operation.
The firstly shy pupils got used to the new environment quickly and thanks to the help of the Institute’s colleagues they could learn by fun about Chinese culture and language. The Kindergarten students became more familiar with some useful Chinese expressions such as Nĭ hăo! (Hello!), Nǐmen hǎo! (Hello everybody!) and Zàijiàn! (Goodbye!). After the playful activities the Chinese director Zhang Xuemei with the Hungarian director Szentmártoni Lívia accompanied the cheerful kids around the offices and the classroom.
Following this, the pupils- enriched with balloons and lollipops- returned to their Kindergarten where our program series continued. One of the groups could get acquainted with the art of the Peking Opera Masks led by Li Quing, while the other group could play Chinese sport games.
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We hope that the kids enjoyed the activities as much as the colleagues of the Institute did!