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Student success at the “China 360° Blogger” competition

Sánta Máté pályázat

Sánta Máté, student of SZTE Confucius Institute, was awarded second prize on the so-called “China 360° Blogger” competition organized by Eurasian Cooperation Association (EAFA). Between the summer of 2014 and spring of 2015, the competition period is divided into four.

December 25, 2014

Sánta Máté took part on the second round which ended on 24 November. According to EAFA, the aim of the competition is:”to support talented blog writers and last but not least, to make more colorful the content of blog, which deals with Asian especially Chinese culture in the business sphere. The competition was open for everyone in Hungary. The task of the competition was to write a two pages long blog chosen from the listed topics: China opens to the world, Europe in China and Chines and Hungarian culture meets. The type of the language was up to the competitors’ decision.

Máté, who has been a student of SZTE Confucius Institute since February 2014, wrote about the business relations of China and Central-Eastern Europe in English. In more details, he analyzed the topic of the flow of Chinese capital to the region. Attached, you can check his analysis.

China’s relations with Central and Eastern Europe - download pdf