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Liu Yandong, the Deputy Prime Minister of China, invited SZTE Confucius Institute for a round-table discussion


On 23rd May, Round-table Discussion for Central-Eastern European Rectors, Confucius Institutes and Sinologist was held in Zagreb.

May 30, 2014

A kínai miniszterelnök-helyettes kerekasztal-megbeszélésre invitálta az SZTE Konfuciusz Intézetet

The directors of various Confucius Institutes, sinologists and rectors of different kind of partner universities were welcomed at the conference by Liu Yandong, the Deputy Prime Minister of China. SZTE Confucius Institute was represented by Szentmártoni Lívia, Hungarian director. Xu Lin, the leader of the Confucius Institute Headquarter, also travelled to Zagreb in order to participate in the Round-table discussion.

The conference was a good opportunity to introduce the region’s Confucius Institutes, and also to propose various recommendations for the Institutes’ operation and functioning. Liu Yandong, Deputy Prime Minister of China, emphasized in her closing speech that she is really satisfied with the work of all Confucius Institutes and hereinafter as well she will be supportive. At the end, she also added that she found all the recommendations and suggestions very useful and in the future they will pay more attention to these things.