University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

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Graduation ceremony at the Faculty of Law at University of Szeged

Gateway diplomaosztó

On 15th December, graduation ceremony was held at the Faculty of Law at University of Szeged in which Dr. Cao Hang Chinese director and Mohr Richárd Hungarian director participated.

December 19, 2014

Diplomaosztó ünnepség a jogi karon 2014. december 15. / Graduation ceremony at the Faculty of Law at University of Szeged 15 december 2014

21 Chinese students –from SISU, which is the partner university of SZTE Confucius Institute – who took part in the “Gateway: Central-European Legal Studies” program received a certificate. The program of SZTE Faculty of Law was established with the help of Dr. Ujhelyi István. Since the foundation of this program, the students can always count on the help of Confucius Institute.