University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

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Our directors represented the SZTE Confucius Institute at Balassi Institute’s Conference of Guest Instructors


The Balassi Institute held its regular two days long Conference of Guest Intructors in the 25th of August. The Conference is a forum of the most notable professors for the instrumentality of Hungarology and the Hungarian language itself. This was the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Network of Guest Instructors and the directors of the SZTE Confucius Institute were invited to give a lecture about the way China builds it’s educational and cultural grid/network through the Confucius Instituties.

August 28, 2014

The Conference was opened by Pál Hatos the director-general of Balassi Institute. In his speech he remarked that Hungarians think they are a lonely nation, however, by getting to know other cultures and by spreading the Hungarian culture and popularizing it, that lonelyness would diminish. He emphasized that the task of the guest intructors is not only the familiarization of the Hungarian language but also to spread the Hungarian culture in a wider range, in which the support of the Balassi Institute is ensured.

Az SZTE Konfuciusz Intézetet képviselték igazgatóink a Balassi Intézet Vendégoktatói Konferenciáján  


The functioning of the Hanban and the Confucius Institutes is quite similar to that of the Balassi Institute’s, however, in certain cases, there are differences as well and during the presentation of the SZTE Confucius Institute the directors highlighted them. Lívia Szentmártoni, Hungarian Director, briefly summarized the history and the mission of the Institute, while the Chinese director Zhang Xuemei talked about how the Hanban and the Confucius Institutes work in general.


All in all it is fair to say that the Balassi Institute and the Hanban/Confucius Institutes are walking the same path, and the cooperation and the exchange of experiences could lead to serious advantages for both parties. We hope that the participation in the aforementioned conference was the first stage of a productive cooperation.

Photos: Balassi Institute / Attila Lambert