University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

SZTE Konfuciusz Intézet  --  News  --  CI NEWS ARCHIVES  --  2014

"Dr. Sándor P. Szabó: The actualities of the Chinese economy" on 19 june


Dr. P. Szabó Sándor is the director of the Chinese Public Administration-, Economics-, and Social Research Center at the National University of Public Service, technical director at the School of Far-Eastern Languages.

May 16, 2014

Time: 19 June 2014 (Thursday) 17:30

Venue: SZTE Confucius Intitute

The Chinese economy is the second largest economy of the world, the essential part and prime mover of the global economy. What happens in the Chinese economy has serious influence on the whole global economy. Therefore it is of great importance to pay attention to its actualities, current trends and processes. The presentation focuses on these questions.