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Richard Mohr received the ChinaCham Hungarian-Chinese Chamber of Economy's 2020 Excellence Award


The Hungarian-Chinese Chamber of Economy held the awarding ceremony of "ChinaCham Excellence Award" on the 30th of September. The ChinaCham Excellence Award was established in 2018 by the Board of ChinaCham.
October 05, 2021

According to the regulations adopted by the Board, the prize can be awarded to natural and legal persons who have performed outstanding work in the field of Hungarian-Chinese relations, especially economic relations, professional, public and social work, have carried out commendable activities for a long time, and have set an example in improving the bilateral relations. In 2020, the restrictions due to the epidemic situation did not allow the handover ceremony to be held, which is why President Ernő Pető just handed over the award to the winner of last year.




The winner of the "ChinaCham Award of Excellence" in 2020 is Mr. Richard Mohr, Hungarian Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Szeged, an interpreter, translator and teacher, China expert of the Steering Committee of the Oriental Business and Innovation Center at Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences. His areas of expertise: Chinese business language, Chinese simultaneous translation and translation, Chinese economy, Hungarian-Chinese and European-Chinese relations, Hungarian-Chinese intercultural communication. He is the author of the Chinese-related chapters of the textbook “Japanese, Chinese and Korean Business Culture” published in 2019 by the Oriental Business and Innovation Center at Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences.

The 2019 award was given to Ms. Éva Ipolyi. She is an interpreter, and with her award, ChinaCham also wanted to recognize the entire interpreting profession, which plays a major role in bilateral relations. The winner of the 2021 award was Dr. Sándor P. Szabó PhD, Sinologist, associate professor and Head of the China Studies Department at the National University of Public Administration.

Text: By SZTE Confucius Institute (based on the announcement of ChinaCham Hungarian-Chinese Chamber of Economy)

Image: SZTE Confucius Institute