University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

SZTE Konfuciusz Intézet  --  News  --  CI NEWS ARCHIVES  --  2014

SZTE Confucius Institute visited Tömörkény István High School and Rogers High School!


On 29 May, Thursday morning, SZTE Confucius Institute had visited Tömörkény István High School and Cultural Vocational School, then on 13 June, Friday morning, where high school students could get acquainted with Chinese language and culture, and in addition, they could find out that nowadays why is it worth to study Chinese language.

June 20, 2014

Az SZTE Konfuciusz Intézet látogatást tett a Tömörkény István Gimnázium és Művészeti Szakközépiskolába, illetve a Rogers Gimnázium, Szakképző Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskolába!

Firstly, Zhang Xuemei, Chinese director of SZTE Confucius Institute, welcomed the young students in Chinese. She encouraged the youth to have no fear of learning Chinese language since Szentmártoni Lívia, Hungarian director of SZTE Confucius Institute, is the best example showing that it is possible to learn this language.

Following the Chinese director’s kind words, Szentmártoni Lívia gave an interesting lecture which gave a full explanation about why are those people more successful on the labor market who speak not only English but also Chinese. Moreover, the students could also find out that even secondary school students are provided with such opportunities as Chinese scholarships, language exam and school leaving exam in Chinese language.

With regard to the great interest, the students, divided into two separate groups, could familiarize with the basics of traditional Chinese brush painting and with the art of paper cutting.

On 13 June, Friday morning, SZTE Confucius Institute continued its high school visiting “tour”, this time at Rogers High School, where lower, - and upper-year students could learn more about Chinese traditions.

We hope to see you again in September, this time on Chinese classes! :)