University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

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Successful Chinese varieté show at Wine Festival by SZTE Confucius Institute!

Bor tér

On 20 September 2014, Friday night 5-6 p.m., within the confines of the Wine Festival, the colleagues, teachers and voluntary students of Confucius Institute at University of Szeged organized an amazing varieté show at Dome Square!

September 25, 2014

The festival’s good atmosphere was not only due to the great variety of delicious and tasty wines, but also due to the special Chinese pop-music and dance.

Sikeres kínai varieté műsort varázsolt a Bor Térre az SZTE Konfuciusz Intézet! 2014.09.20./Successful Chinese varieté show at Wine Festival by SZTE Confucius Institute! 20 September 2014

It was such a success that even a couple of people started to sing and dance at the Dome Square. Meanwhile, Mohr Richárd the Hungarian director of SZT Confucius Institute asked a couple of questions from the audience about China. To our surprise, the interviewee subjects could reply in Chinese, not to mention how good! ;)

Thank you for coming!

Everyone is welcome to join us!