University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

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Roundtable discussion with SZTE Confucius Institute

Kerekasztal beszélgetés

On 27 December 2014, at 4 p.m., partner school directors and teachers were invited to a round table discussion organized by SZTE Confucius Institute. The main aim of the discussion was to share common experiences, own thoughts and ideas about the work of this semester of the year.

December 25, 2014


The event was opened by Dr. Cao Hang, Chinese director, who closed his speech by stating: “hereby his official task is over; hereinafter his only task is to serve authentic, Chinese tea.”

konfuciusz kerekasztal beszélgetés

The discussion was quite successful for both parties since everyone could share quite useful experiences, thoughts and future plans such as organizing competitions among schools, cultural days. After listening to each representative of the partner institutes’, Mohr Richárd, Hungarian director, officially gave away the presents which were Chinese text and workbooks and also handmade Chinese 2015 Calendars.