University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

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Joint Conference of New Confucius Institutes in Europe was held in June, Dublin, Ireland

Dublin konferencia

The next conference of Confucius Institutes’’ was held in Dublin from 15 June to 17 June 2014. Liu Yunshan, member of the CCP Political Committee, Ruairi Quinn, Irish Educational Minister, and Xu Lin, the director of Hanban, had participated in the opening ceremony.

June 24, 2014

During the three day conference, the directors of Confucius Institutes’ could listen to such lectures which were planned for the autumn of 2014, such topics as the cultural event of Confucius Institutes’ Day, the organization of Chinese language teaching and cultural programs, how to enrich external sources, the integration of Chinese language teaching to the local educational system, and last but not least, how to develop the Organizational and Operational Rule in a successful way. SZTE Confucius Institute was represented by Szentmártoni Lívia Hungarian, - and Zhang Xuemei Chinese directors. Instead of the lectures, in small groups, it was also possible to discuss different kind of topics and to draw up further new opportunities as well.

Az írországi rendezvényen készült képek a galériára kattintva nyithatók meg.

On the last, closing day, director Xu Lin and the vice directors of Hanban had summed up and answered all the questions which emerged during the conference and asserted the plans and directions for the future.

As the closure of the conference, the participants of the conference could take part in a Dublin city tour where they could experience the Irish way of life: as part of the program, everybody could have a glass of Irish beer at the Guinness Beer Factory.