University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

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Chinese games - Mahjong night with SZTE Confucius Institute on 29 October!


Chinese Mahjong game night will be first time organized by SZTE Confucius Institute at the Rector’s Office in Room V. on 29 October!

October 27, 2014

Time: 29 October (Wednesday) 16.00

Venue: Rector’s Office, Room V.


Mahjong is also called as Chinese domino, even if the rules are considered to be more of a kind of card game (Rummy). Till the beginning of the 20th century (to be more precise, until the fall of the Empire in 1912) this game was played only in the Emperors Palaces. After the fall of the Emperor it has spread all over the country and later it has conquered the world.


We welcome everyone!