University of Szeged, Konfucius Institute Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

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Preparing paper-cutting, ink painting, foot badminton and Chinese bookmark – all of these things at Karolina School!


On 8 November, Friday afternoon, some students were lucky to take part in an exciting Chinese program which was held at the Karolina School by the Confucius Institute at the University of Szeged.

November 12, 2013

Papírkivágás, tusfestés, lábtollas, kínai könyvjelző-készítés – mindez egy délutánon a Karolina Iskolában! With regard to the great interest, the children were divided into two groups so they could get more acquainted with the basics of traditional Chinese ink painting, with the art of paper-cutting, and also with the history and the different meanings of colors in Beijing Opera Masks. Our Chinese teacher He Min delivered a „cheerful” foot badminton training for those students who showed more favour toward sport exercises.